Cymatic Security Inc.


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At Cymatic, everything has a connection. Cymatic, or more specifically Cymatics, is the periodic phenomena that happens when sound frequencies are driven through inert powders, pastes, and liquids. These frequencies produce life-like, flowing forms, which mirrors patterns found throughout nature, art and architecture. Every frequency produces the same exact pattern, unique to itself. At Cymatic, we use what’s unique about people – the frequencies they give off subconsciously – to identify them. These signals are so unique to each person that it allows us to verify people with incredible accuracy. Thanks to Cymatics, our customers are more secure. Our logo represents an abstract Emperor Penguin in the form of an inverted isosceles triangle, meaning that only two sides are of equal length. The different or unique side represents the differences amongst us and our ability to recognize those subtleties. The three points of the triangle represent our three core values of collaboration, transparency and trust. The Emperor Penguin uses vocalizations, smells and vibrations to uniquely identify each other. These behavioral signals are so unique that the autonomic imprint lasts a lifetime, is 100% accurate and is passed onto future generations. In fact, studies have shown that not only can Emperor Penguins uniquely identify their chicks, they also can uniquely identify each other through social recognition. Similarly, identifying someone online presents the same challenges as the Emperor penguin. Everyone looks alike.

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